Independence Day 2010 (Continuied)
Yesterday I wrote that perhaps because of some cosmic convergence, wasmoved to pledge my allegiance to this perhaps once great nation. What converged? My reading of Glenn Beck’s The Overton Window and a Facebook link that led me to the confessions of an ex KGB agent.
A central theme of The Overton Window is government corruption. The powers that be have over the years reached their tentacles into every area of government and finance enacting a well thought out strategy designed to create a global disaster using the crisis as an opportunity for their stepping in and seizing power. A character in the book uses the metaphor of the tsunami to show demonstrate their plan. The collapse of Bear Sterns was the earthquake and all the bailouts that followed have added to the power of the wave gathering in the distance. When it breaks we, the great unwashed, will be buried alive. Another character expresses the central irony: “It’s a heist an inside job.” The very people who intentionally caused the disaster are being rewarded.
The founders of our country knew that governments go bad. "They knew that evil, like gravity, is a force of nature," that corruption will always raises it evil head. The purpose of those checks and balances they drew into the constitution was to keep the government in check. We have not been vigilant and have allowed the government to grow into a behemoth that is eating us alive.
One of the main characters of Beck’s book is a PR expert who knows that by planting news items and crafting clever stories, the public can be sold anything, the populous can be lead to believe the ridiculous and participate in the absurd. He uses the pet rock and all the fads that followed as an example. “We don’t change their minds. We change the truth.” A PR campaign can help pharmaceutical companies create unheard of diseases and get the public to buy drugs. He uses restless leg syndrome as an example. Talk about the problem and people think they have it and go out and buy the medication.
He takes pride in knowing that it was he who made heroes of criminals and got the public to wear t-shirts idolizing Chairman Mao and Che Gurerva. He takes pride in his enormously successful campaign for bottled water. The clever articles, the witty blurbs, the images of showing their idols all with water bottles in their hands insinuated themselves in our minds and got us all to pay dearly for water that flows free from any faucet in America . “Once convinced, you can show them the truth, read the label ‘contents drawn from municipal water supply’ and they will nod their sleepy heads and walk like zombies past the faucet to the vending machines…..Before we're done they’ll gladly pay a tax for the very air they breathe.” And isn’t that what we 're being led toward now?
After reading the thought provoking book, I visited my email and a variety of links led me to an interview of an ex KGB agent Yuri Alexandrovich:
At the turn of the 2oth century it became obvious that America would not turn willing to Marxism or Leninism, but they knew that if America couldn't be beat on the battle ground, they could win through ideological subversion, a process of changing the perception of reality. They knew from experience how the process worked.
There are four stages in the process, demoralization, destabalization, crisis and normalization. The first stage takes the longest, generally 50 years, because it's necessary to indoctrinate an entire generation. The key is to identify your team. Dissidents, professors, intellectuals, civil rights defenders, and the like suffer from self importance and serve the purpose of spreading disinformation. The irony, according to Yuri, is that once the country collapses, they will be the first to be assassinated. When the interviewer expressed disbelief, Yuri said, "Oh, yes. When the promise of new regime do not materialize, they will lead the opposition, so they must be destroyed. Your Jane Fondas will be squashed like a cockroaches."
According to Alexandrovich, the demoralization of America was especially effective thanks to the simultaneous disintigration of moral values, "far beyond our expectations." On thing that connected so completely with The Overton Window is that Alexandrovich said that once indoctradted, the condition is truly irreversible. True information doesn't matter any more. Shower them with facts, show them the evidence, you cannot change their minds. They will refuse to recognize the truth "until the boot is on their necks."
The second stage of the process, destabilization, Alexadrovich predicted would take from two to five years. That time period correllates with the financial meltdown we've experienced and we can see the power of the tsunami gathering in the distance. The massive wave will be the thrid stage, the crisis and a quick overthrow of the government and then the final stage, normalization. Beck's book suggests that it might be established by some of the globalist groups do exist, The Club of Rome, the Council for Foreign Relations. I think it might be those very wealthy socialists I mentioned in an earlier post, Soros and his Leninist cohorts Bing, Sandler, Blankfein, Janss, and Anagnos. They work openly and we refuse tp recognize the threat.Whatever the group, once successful, the truth will out. We will realize that all people are created equal, equal in poverty, ignorance, and misery. Abundance peace and prosperity are reserved for the fittest, the deserving, the most courageous, the visionaries.
New speak is an important part of the process, and The Overton Window demonstrates how it might work. The Patriot act will quickly become a license to hunt patriots. The Fairness Doctrine allows the government to manage "free speech." Net Neutrality will make it possible for the powers that be to neutralize their enemies.
According to Alexandrovich, the trend can be reversed. "You need to start a new program of re-education which takes 15 to 20 years." But that interview occurred many years ago. Is it too late? I am reminded of the image at the end of Ayn Rands The Fountainhead. The coins are deeply imbedded into the tarmac. We are imbedded much too deeply into the tarmac of the federal government. Can we extricate ourselves. I am not optimistic.
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